Friday, December 19, 2008

Help the home owners, NOW.

We need to stop giving money to these financial institutions, and give money to the home owners. IN a much earlier post I talked about why the 700Billion dollar giveaway was wrong. I am going to elaborate on that a little here. Funny how it took, what 2 weeks for a bill to pass, but it is taking forever to get any real help to the citizen.

A) It turns out banks lied an several fronts.

B) Lenders took advantage of new borrowers who didn't understand the fine intricacy of the finance system

C) Banks were aware of what was coming, and kept lending.

D) Helping the home owner in default gets the economy moving faster then giving it to banks.
Maybe, Maybe if there was a sound plan when they wanted to give the money to these financial institutions it might work. It worked in englans during their crisis.

No, I'm not going to remove blame from the home owner. That's not what this is about, it's about helping the economy as a whole.

Personally I would do the following:
1) Foreclosure get's put off 90 days. If payment can restart at that point, it starts as per normal. No foreclosure penalties.

2) If it can't then restructure the loan to see if that helps.

3) Drop the interest rate to 4.5. If people still can't make payments, guarantee 4.5 to the next qualified buyer. This is to entice some to get into the home.

Now, I am having a hard time telling how bad it really is, reports are all across the board. Usually that means it's worse, but it's not a sure thing.

If it is extremely bad add the following.

Walk away. Someone can opt to walk away from the home, no credit hit.
Yes, the banks take it in the shorts on this one. But it will cause an immediate adjustment to the actual current value, and gets someone in the house.

This would all have to be passed by congress to force this issue becasue of Collateralized loans. where many people own a loan.

The banks have lent way too much, and the reaper as came to collect it's toll.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Instead of using PSA to tell me to read to my children(something I don't need to be told) How about useful ones that actually help society in more practical manners.

"Hi, this is [Insert sports star name] here to remind you that there is about 1.6 Kilometers, or 'clicks' to a mile."

"Hi, This is [Insert teacher name] just reminding you that there are 2.2 pound in a Kilogram."

"This is [Car driver] just reminding you that properly inflated tires saves lives and gas."

"Id like to take a moment that putting non violent criminal in jail costs you 50 thousand dollars a year plus health benefits, per criminal."

"Hello, this is Inigo Montoya reminding you that you killed my father, prepare to die."

"This is Garrett Moffitt reminding you that LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!"

I've always wanted to do that, and I doubt I'll ever get the chance to actually do it on Saturday Night Live. For the record I would be AWESOME at it. Second only to John Belushi trying to hold the show up and demanding Frasier / Ali tickets to say it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wireless Pay booths

There could be a wireless pay machine. You put in a quarter and it's spits out a number that lets you connect to it's wi-fi point, for say 5 minutes.
For those people that needs a quick connection to check email, or get a map.

Even better would be wi-max points run and maintained by the local government. Not having easy access/free wi-fi on a major city is quickly going to be like not have paved roads in a major city.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Teachers should follow a class of kids from K-5. This would allow the class and the teacher to know each other very well, kids would become more comfortable with the teacher, and the teacher would know how different kids learn and are motivated.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pop up side for wheel barrels

Back from vacation! Camping for a week with my son..and 100 other 10 year olds. It was a blast.

While watching people load stuff onto a wheel barrel, and then watching it fall out, I realized a wheel barrel with sides that could be raised would be nifty. Possibly collapsible extenders for the side.
Some clamps to attach it to the wheel barrel, a frame work that extends up 18 inches, with nylon acting as the sides.
You wouldn't want a wheel barrel that top heavy full of dirt or rocks, but a bunch of sleeping bags or other bulky but light items it would work great.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Elections and Budget

Every politician is claiming th want to cut taxes, and every person says there are too much taxes.
You here this a lot, but no one recommends any thoughtful advice.
When a politician says there going to cut taxes, we need to ask "Which taxes and what service will we lose?"
People never seem to care what taxes, as long as they are cut. Of course, they they complain ab out the schools systems, parks, and other service as the dwindle.

There needs to be a website that government agencies need to put their budget information on that is laid out in a fashion that is readable by non accountants.
Not some spread sheet with a 1000 lines and 400 column pivot table. A simple pie chart.
Each section represents a high level view of the budget. When you click on a section if drill to another pie chart a level lower, and so on.
This makes it easy for a lay person to see how much money services cast verse Taxes and rates and other revenue items.
I do know the budgets are complex, especially for government bureaus. We should continue to publish a complete breakdown for people who like to dig to the penny.

This would allow citizens to have a better chance at understanding how much services cost, and how complex it is to maintain services. It allows us to say "what taxes will you cut?" And then discuss if it is really the right thing.

Reagan cut the metric system to "save taxes". Was that really the smartest thing to do? how much has not converting to metric cost us?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Over 21 Cinemas

Why don't cinemas have a quite showing of movies?
No one under 21, no communication devices, and a strong reminder not to talk.
Have some Ushers standing in the Cinema, and as soon as one of these rules is broken, they escort the person out.

I'd pay an extra 25% to go there.

Now I know there are some cinemas that have drinking, but I don't want to hear some yahoo ordering a drink, or eating while I'm watching a movie.

That would be the other thing, if you leave the showing, you can't come back in.

Changed ba to Pay, ahve to have , and here to hear. Thanks for that last one iamthewhale.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Olympic broadcasting

The Olympic committee is missing the boat. A boat filled with cash.

Instead of making an agreement with one broadcaster, what they should do is run all the cameras and equipment themselves, and license the feed to who ever wants it.
Get som competition going.

You could do a whole package and ala carte. So you specialty shoow or internet cites could by the feed they are interested in.

This would allow that pretty much every event would bea vailable some where.

Oh, and don't even try to crack down on internet rebroadcasts. You can't stop it, and it will only cost you lots of money. You may not like it, but history pretty much shows that to be true. In fact, a savvy person can capitalize on that aspect.

I would gladly sell this idea to the Olympic committee for 5 million dollars.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weed cutter

There needs to be an attachment for the shop vac that allows you to cut a weed.
This was you wouldn't need to bend over.
It just needs to be a metal rectangle. One side you drag across the ground, the other attached to the shop vac.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Reality TV

Kitchen Nightmares really need to have a 'year later' episode.

Even better, there should be a similar show with Click and Clank going to mechanic shops.

Personally, I'd like to see one with software developers. Where I walk in and rip the hell out of their crappy code. This is awesome because you can find fault anywhere; even in more places then a kitchen.

I could goo on with that last one. Hell I can even think how to sell it. Can anyone get me an executive to pitch it to?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Digital voice tags

There need to be a setting on digital camera that allows you to add 5-10 seconds of voice when taking a picture.
You push the button half way, say a 'tag' like "Disney Haunted mansion with the family" or "Out with the girls" and it has a relationship to the picture, along with a geostamp.

We have 4 Gig memory cards, so space should be that big of a concern.


All you guys who wanted on the spot 'coupons' sent to nearby consumer? the technology is now primed.

Set up a service that the companies want to send ads to people near by, charge the companies the consumer can op in on the fly.
Right now, I should be able to walk into a mall, look at my smart phone, and see a series of deals for companies I've chosen to sens me. A simple RSS feeder would do. Don't, DO Not, send adds in some banner. People will hate it.
Nation wide, this will make money.

I could set this up and get it going for 4 million and have it nation wide and in wide use in 3 years.

My email is in my profile in the About Me section on the left side.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More mobile Games

I couldn't get the idea of mobile games out of my head, so I thought I'd jot down a few more.

Random rate, where you take a picture of someone, guess there score and send it to a series of friends your social network and see how close you get to the average.

You could use it in LARPing, but once "combat" has begun, it's all done through the computer.

You could play 'tag'. A bunch of people that are going to be in an area sign up, one person is it, when they get close to someone else, then they are it. the last person it looses, the person the computer chooses to be it needs to be tagged again. I have it on good authority, My 10 and 8 year olds, that tag backs aren't aloud.

Same thing, only with hide and sneak.

and of course, Delta Apple..but I don't need to explain that one.

Vibrating directions, and more.

There needs to be an App for the iPhone where you tell it where you need to walk to and stick it in your pocket.
It vibrates one way, turn left, another turn right. So you walk down the street and seem to know where you are going. No more looking down to see where you are instead of looking at the nice people on the street.

Also, you could have one that sends a tone to your headset..or even better, says "Hot" or "Cold" as per the directions of that game.

You could have a game where once every minute you are told if you are hotter of colder to some one else, and every 90 seconds the person you are looking for is notified that that are hotter and colder.
Two people could find each other easily, or turn it into a hunter/hider game.

Perhaps some sort of real person city wide Chess variant could be created?
Remember the game Assassin? where you got a contract and tried to shoot someone with a dart gun? same deal, except you try to get within 10 feet of another player and the iPhone communicates a kill...make the kill based on a random roll, modified based on some parameters.

Of course, this could be done with any Smart phone, but I am hoping mentioning the iPhone will generate hits.

If anyone is thinking that I should write the App, they are correct. it is well within my software skill. Just send me an email and I will tell you where to mail the iPhone to...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Additional SmartPhone Screen

I see this as the next big user feature to Smart phones. A screen that slides out from underneath another screen giving you two screens.

A good App would be one that said 'Hot' or 'Cold' over you blue tooth device as you moved closer to a destination you marked on the map.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Right lane paving

People seem to want other drivers to stay ton the right to allow passing, and I agree. But how to help encourage that? simple, just apply a comfort factor.

Pave the right lane so it's smoother then the left. This will get people to us the left lane long enough
to pass.

Note: When in actual traffic, don't expect the person in front of you to get out of your way, it makes no sense.

I missed yesterday

but I was in the ER, so I'll give myself a pass.what? not good enough? fine.
I'll go an extra week into August.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Value add to DnD modules

Hasbro/WoTC/TSR need to have module packs.
This is a pack of 6 mini's the go with the theme of a module.
I know it would increase the cost of a modules, but you could use the Minis for other games.
Make on of the Minis a 'Boss' Mini. They don't have to be high quality. Let the people buying the modules know whats in the package.. Also sell individual mini boxes themed to the modules set. Those you can keep the standard "We're not going to tell whats in it because 1 out of every 144 boxes has something rare." theme going.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Double Roof

A great, easy, and relatively cheap energy saver would be a second roof.
This is a roof built about 6-8"s above the current roof. The East/West facing sides would extend a little past the roof, and the North/South sides would be even with the current roof.
You put wire around the gap to keep critters out.

The way the second roof will reflect a lot of heat, and the heat it absorbs will be vented out the 8" high gap between roofs.

This could save a LOT of money on energy bills.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Word: Neo-Geek


These are people who get involved with geek materials after they become mainstream. Then try to get some geek cred.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bumber sticker holders

This item would be a plastic shell you could seal bumper stickers in. So when you candidate becomes to embarrassing, you could just unsnap the side, slide out your bumper sticker and quietly go about your business.
This would attach to the bumper, or inside a window.

Simple to make, and no more scrapping bumper stickers off your bumper.

Favorite bumper sticker:
Stumper Bicker.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I figured out the issue

Apparently when you make a post, but only save it. When you do post the next day, it keeps the last save date and time as the post date and time.
That sucks, and personally I consider it a bug. There is the chance I am missing an option somewhere, but that would mean I was wrong and that can't be right.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tablet glove

The tablet glove would be a fabric cover the attaches to the bottom of the tables, like a fitted sheet, and has a place to slip your hand into. Like a fingerless glove.
It would attach securely so you can put your arm along side of your body, and still have the tablet glove on your hand.
It would allow you to rest your arm while doing something with your other hand. Like couting inventory, or talking to a nurse.

The same thing for clipboards.

Better mouse positioning for laptops.

They need to make the mouse a little button on the bottom right of the display frame on laptops.
That way a user can rest their arm along the right side in a more natural position.
Observing the way most people use laptops, there really wouldn't be much typing speed lost except for the power typist, who should know all the hot keys anyways.
This design has the added advantage that the have can also be used to help stabilize the laptop when it's on someones lap.


I missed a day. My apologies.
If it is in consolation to my loyal readers, I was working very hard that day and I am still in pain.
I'll post a second one for today to get things even.
It looks like I posted two in one day.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cake top printer

This would be a device you set a cake in, and it would spray whatever picture you put into it onto the top of the cake.

It would work like an ink jet printer, except the printing cartridge and nozzle would move.
The physical device and mechanism would be pretty trivial to build.
The only difficulty is creating an easy to clean cartridge system and nozzle.
The nozzle would have to be detachable, for easy cleaning.
You could either use a colored sugar water as the base colors.

You could either plug it into a computer or sell cartridges.
IF you are going for the razor blade scenario, obviously would would want cartridges.
I would like to make money form the device, and some supporting official images, but still let them plug the device into their computers USB2 port.

Portable Bidet

Why don't the baby wipe companies make a portable Bidet; which would basically be a degradable wet wipe in a nice package.
Simple, easy, and it will keep you as clean as a baby's bottom

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Gutter trap doors

I know, I know Another gutter post.

Why doesn't the bottom of the gutter unhook and swing open? Just needs a rubber seal , some hinges and a latch.
Each piece is about 4 feet long. You just use a broom stick to push the latch, and the bottom of the gutter swings open. You hose it off, snap it back up, go to the next piece. No more limbing on the roof!

For the down poor parts we would put a door in that you could open to easily run a snake up or down in to get those pesky clogs.

Gutter Vac

Why isn't there a shop vac attachment for cleaning gutters?
I made one myself, although admittedly it could be improved.

It's a U shap piece, and on the end is a piec about 4 inches wide 2 inches deep.
I can just turn on the shop vac, hook the end into the gutter, and just walk beneath the gutter cleaning it up.

A circular rubber piece that can go over the drain to suck debris out of it would also be nice.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Home Fireworks Auto Igniters

This would be some wire with several clips attached.
Attach the clips to a series of fireworks, hook the wires to a battery. Puck a button and the fire works start ti ignite.
I'm sure there must be something like this for industrial systems, but why isn't there one for home systems? They would be cheap to make, easy to operate, and less dangerous the launching an Estes rocket.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

So obvious and yet so not done

We need a text book wiki.
Imagine every school having access to current and relevant texts.
Imagine the cost saving of not having to buy books.
Imagine students not needing to carry material because they could download it themselves.

This TextBook Wiki would have control content. Meaning people with the proven credentials put material on it, that material is fact checked and goes through all the normal rigors of any text book. An added bonus if you could get an expert in the field to comment on it, you don't have to worry about printing thousands of books. You just make the change, and send an email to the schools.

It would be laid out so it would be easy to print, if needed.
A teacher could get there material from it, and it will be for all grades.
The cost could be spread across all districts. The US has over 12000 districts. If everyone put in 1000 bucks, it would be enough to get set up with hardware, and get a bunch of subjects going.
If the big Universities get involved to sponsor district that can't get the money, and count Subjects added by teachers as part of the professor expected publishing regime, we could get volumes of texts in a very short time.

I would focus on Kindergarten and move upward. What I mean for this would be my goal would be the lower grades, but submission would still be taken for all grades.

It could be done for under 2 million a year after the initial set up. We would take donations, tax deductible of course and hope to get sponsors.
The ongoing costs could be spread out over Universities, 100 colleges and were talking about 20K per college. remember, we will be paying fact checkers and people to run this site.
Why the universities? because the better educated the students going into the university the better off the university will be.
There are a lot of bright kids that will have a tough time going to college just because their schools don't have proper material.

Most professor that write there own books never make money. Why not put it on TextBook Wiki for all?
I'm sorry, but it's time for dead tree text book publishers to go the way of the dinosaur, and the sooner the better.

I only wish I could get the right group of people together so we could do this ourselves. If we start now, in 5 years no 5th grade class in the US would need to buy text book material or worksheets.
In fact, that would be my first big goal. 5 by 5.
Plus, 5 by 5 is cool to say.

So, if anyone out here can get the ear of some large universities, and work contacts? I can do the technical side.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Auto Fetcher

This device is a little motorized wheel that throws a ball for dogs. The great thing is the wide open top so the dog can drop the ball into themselves. Then fetch the ball.
Initially I was think if this when my elbow start hurting after hitting tennis balls for my dog.

We could make a small one that can toss a ball about 10 feet for small dogs in an Apartment.
This would be a great help for people who have difficulty throwing or getting out of their home.

We could make then light weight with wheels so people could easily set it up at a park.
With several dogs it could be a game. to get the ball and then return it to the machines hopper.

They would come with variable power, and be plug in, or battery operated.
We could also make one with air compression.
Spring loaded would be another option. Pulling back on a lever could be easier then throwing the ball, allowing greater portability.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Slot Covers

This would be a soft plastic that slips over the unused slots in a mother board.
You could make them a variety of colors, glow in the dark, etc. . .
I have had this idea for years, even went so far as to try and find someone to manufacture a few prototypes. Manufacturers being wise, they wouldn't do it for a piece of possible sales. I even offers 80% just because I wanted to see if it would take off!

I figured I would charge 3 bucks a pop.
Now some people will say "Who would want that?" and to those people I suggest they look at all the money people spend on the bling of their rig.

An Idea for every day of the month!

My intent was to post more frequently, and so towards that end, I will make a post with a new idea once a day, everyday throughout July.
If I fail, Ill return twice what you paid.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Garrett

The rapidity of the web, and all it's tube glory, has caused more then one person to take a statement the wrong way. I have been pushing an idea for new punctuation to solve this issue.

I have suggested using the tilde ( ~ ) for this punctuation mark. It is used to denote sarcasm. When used in this way, it is called 'The Garrett' or 'Garrett mark'. Why 'Garrett mark'? the answer is simple and obvious: "Big G's Punctuation to fame." is too wordy.

How many time have you gotten angry, or confused by a typed post because it's was being sarcastic? How many flame wars could have been ended sooner?

You would use it like so:

"My, what great weather we are having~"

I selected the tilde as a representative of the 'Garrett Mark" for a few reasons:
  1. It's not used for much of anything else.
  2. Won't be used to often, so it's placement on the keyboard is good.
  3. The back tick is too small.
  4. Easy to recognize.
  5. Can't write sarcastic language.
A lot of what is sarcasm is verbal tone and body language. Difficult to capture in writing, especially in IMs, and blogs where the writing is immediately back and forth.

The great thing will be, grammar Nazis will have something else to complain about~

I think it should be changed to snarky comment, not just sarcasm.


A friend once said to me "You have more good ideas before you get off the pot in the morning then I have all week."

This post is a place for those ideas...along with other thoughts.

What I mean by 'Idea'

By 'Idea' I mean something practical. This might be an improvement or something new but it should be practical.
For example:
"We should all have jet packs."
While a great idea, it's not very practical.
If I had an idea on how to improve the thrust/weight ratio, then that would be a practical idea. That being the only real problem that would need to be solved for jet packs.