Friday, April 9, 2010

HDMI Cables

Because this topic seems to rear it's ugly head every now and again, I thought I would link to some articles showing the differences in cables:
and here:

the short answer? it doesn't matter.
I paid 5 cents + 2.95 shipping and handling for my cable, and it pushes 1080p just fine.
I got it from an Amazon seller.

For home use systems, what you should look at is where the cable meets the connector. It should not seem flimsy. This is you most likely place for failure. Bear in mind most people don't touch the cable for years after it is set up., so it doesn't need to be a heavy duty connection. Obviously if you are using equipment you move around, you want a heavier duty cable that can take being pulled out and tossed around. It will probably cost more then my nickel cable, but it should costs 100 dollars.

For industrial grade use, you will need an expensive cable that is thick, shielded and designed to be handled by people who might not care.

Finally, check to be sure it's rated for your system. Most of the time this wont matter, but it doesn't hurt. Rated for HDMI 1.3 should do it for almost ever system. For the true home theater set up, at this point 1.4 is what you are looking for. Again, Many 1.3 cable will do 1.4, but there isn't a guarantee. In the Amazon link above, on page 3 there are 1.4 HDMI cables for 12.99.

Save you money for a nice Blu-ray player the supports streaming.

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What I mean by 'Idea'

By 'Idea' I mean something practical. This might be an improvement or something new but it should be practical.
For example:
"We should all have jet packs."
While a great idea, it's not very practical.
If I had an idea on how to improve the thrust/weight ratio, then that would be a practical idea. That being the only real problem that would need to be solved for jet packs.