Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some change

The initial point of the blog was just a vent for ideas that pop in my head. I am going to morph this into a skeptic Blog.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Regarding new punctuation I proposed

I just found out that author Ambrose Bierce wrote his essay "For Brevity and Clarity" and proposed a new type of punctuation mark to convey jest, which he knew would make the satire a little more clear in typewritten correspondence.

So I'm not some sole loon to think that snarky or jest deserve to be its own sentence type.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Garrett update

The Garrett has been changed from 'Sarcasm' to 'Snarky'
This is a more accurate reflection of what I am trying to do. Make a punctuation that adds a level of clarity to online conversations.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Warm beds

Imagine a cap over a heating vent in the home. A plastic tube comes out of the cap and attaches to your bed.
Now hot air is blown into your bed or box spring whenever the heat comes on, or A/C I suppose.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Flu

How come there hasn't been any stories of news people looking into the illegal alien culture to see if people are getting sick but are to afraid to report it?
Maybe someone has and there isn't a story, but still I would ahte for there to be an underground spike in swine flu that suddenly blossoms into the main stream media without warning.
Not that I think this is the end of the world, just to be prudent.

Spiral Solar Thermal

Traditionally Solar Thermal is trough about 100 yards long with a Fresnel lens focusing light to super heat a liquid. This heated liquid is stored and then used to heat water, creating stem and turning a generator to produce electricity.
The holding take holds the liquad through the night providing 24/7 power. There are also concentrated mirror types.

No imagine the top 10 floors of a high rise dedicated to solar thermal. Use a spiral design, the windows would be your lenses. Put the steam generator in the middle, even without an holding tank it would go a long way to offset energy costs.

Actually with the much smaller foot print, they could be used anywhere there is a little open space.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Vista twittter cloud

I would like to see a dynamic twitter cloud background for Vista. I would also like there to become a new name to replace 'cloud' when used in this regard. With Google over ten years old, when something new comes out, there needs to be an attempt to give it a unique original name.

Maybe 'Cl00d5', or 'Dynamic Twits', or whatever.

Friday, April 10, 2009

All Digital content exist on all harddrives.

Let's say you have a terabyte hard drive. That means any digital content that exists, will exist and might exist up to a terabyte exists on your hard drive. You just need to organize the bits.

I am creating something that you feed a hex number, it is save as a .zip, and then an attempt is made to unzip it.
If it fails to unzip go to the next one and so on. If it opens, write that to a log and then take a look. Yes, this will produce a lot of garbage but the hits will be interesting.
Now imagine google dedicating a cluster to something like that, it would be awesome.

I wish I acted on this when I first thought of it; a 10Mb hard drive is easier to get ones mind around.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Criminal trial experiments

For year I have wondered what the outcome would be if a group of 12 people decide a case by only reading the transcript of the case, with all mention of anything 'stricken' from the record removed. really all non pertinent information. Remove gender, race, and anything that was strictly supposed to be what the Jury rules on.

If this was done in a thousand random cases, would the outcome be significantly different then what the actual jury had decided?

I have not studied law, so I have no idea if this has been done. If it has, please post a comment with a link.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


How about a Hub you can plug USB keys into that the computer see's as a Network Attached Storage Device?

The hub connects into your LAN, and can be powered from a wall plug or from the USB port you can plug in? Or better, A USB wall plug.
Got an old 1G USB key? plug it in and now you have a bigger NAS. Log intot he web interface and create mirrors of other keys in the storage Device.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Are Wii developers intentionally missing the boat?

once again another game comes out for a console besides the Wii first. I wonder if this due to the average age of new game developers? Developers looking at whats cool to their recently departed teen years and using that to drive their business decisions instead of just looking at who is selling the most consoles. People can discussed it's graphics, but the market seems to be wanting Fun before Looks. And Wii games are fun.

What I really like about Nintendo is the number of games they have for young kids. As a parent and a gamer I want to enjoy gaming with my kids.

What I mean by 'Idea'

By 'Idea' I mean something practical. This might be an improvement or something new but it should be practical.
For example:
"We should all have jet packs."
While a great idea, it's not very practical.
If I had an idea on how to improve the thrust/weight ratio, then that would be a practical idea. That being the only real problem that would need to be solved for jet packs.