Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Vitamins and proer use

Steve Novella on Vitamins.:

Recommendations should be based upon specific health conditions and blood tests to measure levels of vitamins, so that specific deficiencies can be appropriately targeted.Science-Based Medicine » Vitamins and MortalityThe discovery of various vitamins - essential micronutrients that cause disease when deficient - was one of the great advances of modern scientific medicine...

Home 3d printing

Home 3d printing getting closer:
http://singularityhub.com/2011/10/12/origos-3d-printer-could-be-the-last-toy-your-ten-year-old-will-ever-need/Origo’s 3D Printer Could Be The Last Toy Your Ten Year Old Will Ever Need

Goodbye, Dennis!

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Goodbye, Dennis!");

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Too Soon?

Well, the iPhone 4S sales are up due to an increase in hipster desire. You know, because Steve Jobs is so underground.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Because I have ran into, twice today, people that seem to think the unemployment was cause by Obama, here is this:

As a side note, look at the highest point, in 1982..who was president then, I can't recall.

RIP Steve Jobs.

RIP Steve Jobs.

Lofgren, retired pub staffer

An article from Mike Lofgren, a recently retired staff member on the Republican side of both the House and Senate Budget Committees.
It's a long, but good article that sums up how much lunacy is going in in the republican party. http://www.truth-out.org/goodbye-all-reflections-gop-operative-who-left-cult/1314907779Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult | TruthoutSkip to Main Content Area. Home. Wednesday, 05 October 2011 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG. ARCHIVE | LOGIN | JOIN TRUTHOUT | SEARCH. CIA: Zubaydah's Torture Drawings, "Should They Exist," to Remain To...

I had to reshare this

I had to reshare this....great commercial.C.C. Chapman originally shared this post:Quite possibly THE best video game commercial ever.

Thanks to +J.C. Hutchins and +Steve Coulson for putting this on my radar. SO well done if you are gamer."Michael" -- PS3 Long Live Play

Another test/Garrett Moffitt originally shared this post:Testing cross posting

Another test/Garrett Moffitt originally shared this post:Testing cross posting

Share from G+Garrett Moffitt originally shared this post:Interesting old Krugman article from the Bush era:http://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/warfore.htmlwarforeCLASS WARFORE? This note is by way of background to my recent op-eds, which have been very tough on George W. Bush. Here's why Bush's plans have me upset: our current situation is one in which...

Share from G+Garrett Moffitt originally shared this post:Interesting old Krugman article from the Bush era:
http://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/warfore.htmlwarforeCLASS WARFORE? This note is by way of background to my recent op-eds, which have been very tough on George W. Bush. Here's why Bush's plans have me upset: our current situation is one in which...

What I mean by 'Idea'

By 'Idea' I mean something practical. This might be an improvement or something new but it should be practical.
For example:
"We should all have jet packs."
While a great idea, it's not very practical.
If I had an idea on how to improve the thrust/weight ratio, then that would be a practical idea. That being the only real problem that would need to be solved for jet packs.